“Enabling community and non-commercial timber framing projects
with project management, specialist training and expertise”

Carpenters’ Fellowship Projects
(CFP) is the business arm of the Carpenters’ Fellowship (CF) carrying the professional administrative capability to handle a project of any size, drawing upon the wide pool of specialist skills and talent available through the CF membership.

In all our activities we have a commitment to support charitable, environmental, community-based and conservation projects, which involve education and practical skills training, at all levels.
A CF Project brings a unique package of advantages to your organisation.
  • EXPERTISE: Specialist knowledge of structural timber framing. In new-build design or the restoration of ancient buildings, top experts are available to advise, design, instruct, lead practical training, project manage etc. in every aspect of any project the organisation has the right personnel to match to the challenges presented.
  • COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: A rendezvous project with CFP will be designed to incorporate volunteers from the client’s organisation and the wider community. Participation can be devised for all, including children and adults, with or without previous experience, at any level of expertise. This can be the most incredibly memorable and rewarding experience, with a lasting legacy both for participants and the client organisation.
  • TRAINING: CFP is able to provide experienced instruction and training alongside projects. This could take the form of CPD sessions for architects, engineers, designers etc; Hands-on training for volunteers and enthusiasts in the traditional skills involved cutting and raising an oak frame building; Technical training for professionals in, for instance, lifting operations or modules towards NVQ qualifications. 
Combining training as a key part of the project opens up valuable revenue streams from funding organisations
  • PUBLICITY: Rendezvous events provide an outstanding opportunity for publicity – TV, social media, print media can all be involved and produce a surge of interest for the organization’s activities.
  • VALUE: The cost of the project is likely to be lower than the commercial cost, but provides enormous additional benefits in community engagement, publicity, fundraising and the legacy of the unique and rewarding experience for all those involved.
To be considered, your organisation should ideally be at least one of the following: 
  • A Charitable Trust
  • Community-based
  • A Not-For-Profit Organisation
  • Engaged in pro-environmental activity
  • Engaged in the restoration or conservation of buildings
  • Engaged in the restoration or conservation of natural habitats 
  • Involved in Education or Training
Contact Carpenters’ Fellowship Projects